30 Things Every Girl Should Do Before Turning 30!
December 28, 2016 | by ashish963@gmail.com
They say life begins at 30. Whether they meant to say harsher realities of life or more mature version of yourself, that has remained unexplained. However, one thing we’re damn sure about life is, after 30 it is more about responsibilities, getting married and having babies and everything doubles except your youthfulness. People will start looking at differently when you turn 30. Suddenly they will expect whole lot world from you, will perceive as settled and stable and more serious stuff than seeing that cheery, bubbly girl. Thus, we thought that you shouldn’t feel regretted your life after 30 when you missed the things that you should’ve done before turning 30. So we summed up the 30 awesome things for every girl out there that they should do!
30 Things You Should Do Before Turning 30
- Travel the world. Shed your inhibitions and explore the unknown places by all yourself’
- Abandon all your prized possessions and spend whole day without them. You will experience great relief. Next time, you wouldn’t crib if you leave smart phone at home
- Gate crash in any party and get yourself hooked up with the hottest guy in a party
- Experiment with your hair. Color your hair with vibrant colors like red, blue or orange
- Shop to your heart’s content and buy the stuff you desire but aren’t need of
- Quit the job that you don’t like but don’t forget to snap the stubborn boss
- Get the photo session done and capture the ‘you’ in all these years
- Go on a girly vacation and enjoy the best moments to remember for lifetime
- Date a lot. By dating you will figure out the type of guy you need
- Spend a night under the blue sky with your best buddies. Count the stars, stare up at the clear sky and recall the old good memories
- Stay in a paying guest house for months and see how the life outside of your home is
- Ponder over what you would like to do all your life. By the time you turn 30, you should be able to determine the career for yourself. It can be painting, dancing, teaching or anything
- Do something exactly opposite to your personality. If you aren’t adventurous, explore the wild, hidden side of yours. Do sky diving, paragliding or any adventure you ever fancied but did not dare to
- Fall in love with yourself. Life is not only dating the guy but accepting as you’re and loving yourself
- Land up on the airport without a ticket. Then decide the destination then and there and zoom out
- Learn to cook well, laundry faster and mop clean
- Don’t shy away for doing something weird. Do weird things and enjoy them
- Spare a day to dance like a hippie
- Learn to laugh at yourself
- Do some PDA with your partner and enjoy the public attention
- Go on a road-trip with girl pals
- Throw a party without any special occasion and show your generous side to your friends
- Go to the club and chat with a stranger without any fear
- Go through heartbreak as the experience will make you stronger than ever
- Get a sexy tattoo done and flaunt it everywhere you go
- Spoil your siblings for a fun but for temporary period and get their classes afterwards
- Volunteer for local NGOs and have an experience worth a lifetime
- Dress up like a celebrity and show your confidence
- Forgive your enemies and move on with life with great positivity
- Forget you’re soon going to head 30s and sometimes bring the inner child out
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