
Wedding Bells? Annoying Things You Can Expect at Your Wedding

June 2, 2017 | by

Planning a wedding can involve so many things. From deciding the venue, to the caterer, the menu, what kind of flowers you want, who will do you makeup and hair, the list goes on. For the bride, getting everything right on her wedding is an aspiration, which more often than not, gets ruined because there are always some people and things that come in the way and mess things up. These are some annoying clichés that anyone can expect at their wedding.

Unsolicited Advice

This is a common thing that happens in every Indian wedding. All the long lost aunties and uncles come out from their homes only to give you unsolicited advice whilst munching on free food. The typical things to expect are: tips on cooking food, how to keep the mother-in-law happy, how not to put a lot of time at work, what to do with all your wedding jewellery, etc etc.

The Unhappy Relative

No matter how good the service at your wedding is, there will always be that one relative who will say that nobody asked if they were satisfied or not with everything. They probably are, but getting attention on a day that isn’t theirs can always feel good.

Annoying Marriage Jokes

These probably come from the petty people who can’t seem to fathom the idea that someone is happy on their wedding day and that they look forward to being married. Annoying jokes like “last chance for you to take off” or “you still have time to think it over” are some of the lame attempts made to ruin your wedding mood.

Kids Who Destroy Everything

Nasty kids who are out of control and whose parents choose to ignore the rampage caused by them are one of the most hated and annoying things that can happen at your wedding. These little brats do not care about your peonies. All they want to do is pluck out all the petals, scatter them everywhere, stomp on them, and make a big mess.

Videographer Filming the Guests Eating

The last thing the newlyweds want to see in their wedding video is a ten minute long clip of the guests eating dinner. Perhaps they aren’t given proper instructions as to how things are to be filmed or they just choose to ignore you. Either way, it is annoying and it is something you can expect to happen at your wedding.

So, these are some of the annoying things that one can expect to happen at their wedding. This list is by no means an exclusive one, because I’m sure there are a whole lot of other things that happen during weddings and which are annoying.


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