Habits to Quit If You Want To Live A Long, Healthy, Happy Life
March 15, 2018 | by ashish963@gmail.com
The new year has always been the start of new beginning and the usual “new year, new me” posts on social media. However, I think this time you should try doing something from the current year itself, so that by the time it is the new year, you are in a good habit and it gets easier for you to keep up with your resolution.
In this post, I wanted to share some habits that you should work on quitting from now if you want to lead a healthy and happy life.
Stop Being on The Sofa So Much That Your Skin Becomes One With The Upholstery
Spending some downtime relaxing is great, but don’t spend so much time relaxing that your body become unhealthy.
People who lead a sedentary life are prone to more diseases compared to those who go out more and exercise.
You don’t need to hit the gym per se in order to get your daily does of exercise. Just walking outside in a park for 45 minutes per day is enough to give you fresh air and keep your body running.
On another hand, you can also try strength training, in order to keep your metabolism running, which makes it easier to lose or maintain weight.
Drinking to The Point Of Getting A Hangover Everyday
Drinking a lot of alcohol on an everyday basis is a clear way to compromise your health.
Moderate drinking is one glass per day and excessive is more than 8 glasses a week. Blowing past these parameters routinely will cause weight gain, unintentional injuries like falls, and chronic diseases like cancer.
However, the exception to this is drinking red wine in moderation, because that stuff is full of antioxidants, which is actually good for your health.
Comparing Yourself to Others on Social Media
Here is the deal, the girl whose picture is on the fashion magazine doesn’t look like the girl on the magazine. Therefore, comparing yourself to that perfectly photoshopped girl is stupidity.
Instead, try being happy in your own skin. Once you realise that there is only one of you, you wouldn’t want to be like anyone else, because even that girl on Instagram, who you envy, envies someone else.
Complaining Non-Stop
The word I would like to use here is “whining”. No one likes to be friends with the person who wants to play the victim at all times and who keeps complaining and finding faults in everything.
Instead, be more optimistic in life and embrace the hardships life throws at you, instead of complaining about things not being fair because life is unfair to everyone, so in a way it is the most fair thing in the world.
Stop Sleep Depriving Yourself
Don’t go to bed at 4 in the morning only to wake up at 7 because you have to go to work or class.
Don’t think that coffee and concealer will take away every sign of the sleep that you did not get the night before, because it may make you look like you are good to go, but in the long run, it will take a tow on your health.
Premature aging and feeling exhausted constantly are only the beginning signs of sleep deprivation. Therefore, go to bed in a reasonable hour and refrain from using your phone before sleeping.
Stop Eating Mindlessly
Your body is not a warehouse, therefore stop putting things in it that you don’t need.
For example, eating the entire packet of chips or the entire candy bar just because you were feeling peckish. Instead, take some out in a small bowl so that you can control the quantity and eat slowly so that you know when you are full.
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