
Balasaheb Thackeray – Biography, Photos and More

April 27, 2016 | by

Balasaheb Thackeray was an erstwhile politician from India who established a right wing Marathi political party, Shiv Sena in Maharashtra. This party believed in the superiority of its social and cultural groups and judged other cultures by the values and standards of its own groups.

The political party acts lively and dynamic in the western India’s Maharashtra and is called the Shiv Sena. Balasaheb was hailed as the ‘Hindu Hruday Samrat’ (Emperor of Hindu Hearts) by his admirers and fans and kick started his livelihood as an expert and skilled cartoonist.

His cartoons appeared in ‘The Free Press Journal’ which used to release on a daily basis in the English language in the city of Mumbai. He was gifted with an ability to imagine and draw. Cartoons drawn by Balasaheb have also found space in the Sunday edition of the Times of India. He stopped contributing to the ‘The Free Press Journal’ in 1960 and created and produced his own weekly magazine named ‘Marmik.’

Balasaheb Thackeray Biography

Real Name: Bal Keshav Thackeray

Popular Name: Balasaheb

Date of Birth: January 23, 1926

Place of Birth: Pune, Maharashtra, India

Address: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Occupation: Erstwhile Politician and Founder and Chief of ShivSena

Nationality: Indian

Balasaheb passed away on Novemeber 17, 2012 in Mumbai and was cremated with full state honors. He left behind his two children, Jaidev and Uddhav Thackeray.

Thackeray was born in a Marathi family to Keshav Sitaram Thackeray in 1926 and was the son of a writer and a growing and influential public protester who was against cast prejudices and was also a member of the United Maharashtra Campaign in the 1950s.

Balasaheb had a better – half in Meena Thackeray and had three sons, out of which, his son Bindumadhav and wife Meena passed away in 1996. He crusaded and raised his voice in opposition to the mounting pressure of the Marwaris, Gujaratis and south Indians in Mumbai and founded his own political party Shiv Sena on 19th June, 1966.

He founded Shiv Sena with the intention of struggling for the privileges and liberties of the citizens of Maharashtra, a state in India and also aimed at securing their jobs. These natives of Maharashtra contested alongside the migrants from the state of Gujarat and the southern parts of India.


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