
This is How Girls Get Dressed (Really)

This is How Girls Get Dressed

A quick bath, a whole lotta deo…. I open the cupboard and now I go blank. When it comes to getting dressed I am either trying numerous styles or I just keep staring at my wardrobe and keep wondering what to wear. My cupboard is piled up with so much but, to hit at that one thing is unbelievably confusing. I pull out a pair of jeans, I find it big. Another pair of jeans, I find it too small. Oh freak! Have I put on weight or this just looks small?

Let’s have a look at the T-shirts. White? Are you crazy, it gets all messed up. Orange looks too bright. This is a top that Jessica gave me, I hate Jessica, so out this goes.

Some of the formal tops look too red and tigery and some too lepordy. Some are too tight some are too loose. Some stuff just keeps stinking. Uh! there is nothing that is wearable.

I pick up so much of stuff and I still don’t have anything that I can wear? Heaven sakes I am just going out with friends. Chill a bit, breathe deep, deeper, relax. Oh! This black skin tight top looks cool with blue jeans. Time to go guys, bye!

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