Venture into any new subject area and you will find numerous rules you have to abide by. The same goes for beauty section. There are varied beauty rules that women are taught to follow. Shimmer should be left behind if going for office or bright lips are best reserved for special occasions. If you find yourself caught in a beauty rut, it is time to give your beauty routine a spin. Break from the beauty rules which you have been taught and you might just discover some new ways of prettifying yourself. In case you don’t like the new changes, you can always go back!
Focus Either On Eyes or On Lips
Smokey eyes pair best with a nude lip and red lips pair best with a classic black winged eyeliner. While both of these looks are evergreen, you can always give them a fresh new meaning. You can pair your smokey eyes with a bright lip too if you manage to coordinate them well. The trick is to go for subtle colors when pairing a smokey eye with a loud mouth. The same goes for a red lip. You can team it up well with a navy blue eyeliner. You will be surprised with the result.

Using Lip Liner Only For Lining
Sure! The prime purpose for using a lip liner is to outline lips and create a beautiful shape. But you do not have to reserve their usage just till that. You can also use lip liners for completely filling your lips in a matte finish. Blot it twice to create a long-stay effect. Make use of Coupons for Jabong to purchase a couple of lip liners at discounted prices with the added bonus of Cashback offers.

Setting With Powder is a Must
Let me tell you something. I have a super oily skin which enters into combination phase in winters. Once I walked out of home with BB cream on my skin without powdering it. And I have to tell you that even at the end of the day, my face looked very much presentable. When I think of women who have a dry skin, I am sure that they can manage very well without powdering their skin. Applying powder might just exaggerate the dry patches on their face over-time, which is why it is perfectly okay to give this a try. Use BB creams alone which you can purchase using Koovs coupons present on CashKaro.

Pink Hair is Synonymous With Kids
Erm, no! Nicole Richie’s pixie in pink shade looks extremely chic! Thanks to inspirations like here, you too can flaunt pink hair without looking like a 13-year old teenager. You can browse on internet for much brilliance and you will notice that there is no shortage of pink-haired celebrities. Travel with this bold accessory wherever you go and make an instant style statement.

Applying Foundation On Entire Face
Once upon a time, women used to apply foundation all over their face before their applied concealer and then wondered at the end why their makeup looked so patchy. So here’s the deal: If you have acne scars to cover or any other specific area, it is best to use a full coverage concealer first and then apply foundation sparingly to create an even texture on your face. If you use both, you will create a mask like effect on your skin making make-up look obvious. Apply it just on areas where you need more coverage. Follow up with a light dusting of translucent powder to lock it in for hours.

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