
Inside Car – What Do Girls Really Do?

What Do Girls Really Do?


You know I wish I could get invisible to get to see what my girlfriend Lara does in her car. Of course guys, I couldn’t do that so instead I hit upon this video to watch the fun, to see what girls do in their car.

When she starts off, she doesn’t know whether to drive a bit backwards or zoom straight in the front. Once she hits the road, she has a lot to catch up on. Oh! Its unbelievable guys, she practically wears her makeup, checks her teeth, does a touch up, in the car? All this before she gets to meet me. Uh! Lucky me. Oh! But, her one hand is always engaged while she is driving and other on the steering wheel. Naughty you; that is because she wants to look her best while she is out, uhmm with me. Who knows?

While she is engaged doing all of this, she has the cheek to curse the car driver who honks at her and zooms pass. I wonder if she knows her destination at all. ‘Do I turn left, do I turn right?’ There she goes on her instinct to turn left and you bet guys, she actually gets her way out everywhere. Why can’t she plan the route in advance? Lara!!! You totally dismantle my life. I hope sometimes you spare the car too.

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