India’s Best Condom Brands for Males with Types, Price & Flavor Information
April 30, 2017 | by
Condoms have taken the world by storm from the time they have been introduces as a favored contraceptive method and a sure fire means of avoiding STDs and other sexually transmitted diseases. Apart from the initial taboo factor associated with the use of these rubbers, condoms have been a success thanks to the modern advertisement world that have marketed the condom brands as a must have for every male and for every female who plan to have fun in the night (or any other time of day for that matter!).
India has had a little tryst with the product in the initial phases owing to unawareness in most cases (especially rural areas) and shyness in more sophisticated cases. A man in India might be more embarrassed at the medical store asking for a condom than he would be if he had to pose nude! The use of condoms though have made India a more sexually safer country than ever before.
We are listing a few top condom brands that have made this possible.
Manforce Condoms
Manforce condoms are a favorite among the youth and the old too owing to the large variety of flavors and textures that take your partners excitement to the next level. Sunny Leone has been endorsing the brand that makes it all the more welcoming! Her oomph factor has added to the popularity of the brand and this is a hit among the experimental lot of people who find the new aromas and textures of the condom inviting. Price: Manforce condom is available at any nearest medical store for 60 Rs. This is a pack of 10 condoms.
Manforce Condom Flavors
Chocolate, Strawberry, Jasmine, Coffee, Banana, Black Grapes, Butterscotch, Green Apple, Orange, Pineapple
Manforce Condom Price
Pack of 3 is available at INR. 22

Durex Condoms
Reckitt Benckiser, the manufacturer from England, has brought to the bedroom a very reliable product that has recorded the second highest ales number worldwide after Trojan condoms. They claim to be long lasting and easy to put on, thanks to their lubes being present on both inside and outside of the condom. Durex is famed also for its most sensual advertisements portraying the goodness of condoms. They are loved by couples who want to enjoy sex for longer periods of time and are happy giving in to their partners every wish which requires them to last longer than normal.
Durex Condoms Flavors
Banana, Strawberry, Orange
Durex Condoms Price
Pack of 3 is available at INR. 50

HLL Lifecare manufactures this brand of condoms and marketed those using raunchy models and hot, explicit lovemaking scenes that made people actually see the effectiveness of the condoms. Their flavored variety and the extra-long ones in the Skin range are highly popular. HLL Lifecare is India’s leading condom manufacturer and Moods is their best brand yet.
Moods Condoms Flavors
Chocolate, Scented, Fruit Flavored
Moods Condoms Price
Pack of 3 is available at INR. 25

Deluxe Nirodh
Government distribution of the Deluxe Nirodh is one of the oldest contraception methods available in India. It is still very popular in the rural belts as it is cheaper and does the job just as well. Since the rural exposure regarding STDs and other congenital diseases was minimal, the Government ensured that the populace got these condoms at cheap rates and were easily available so that they could avoid unwanted pregnancies and improve the standard of their sex lives. This is one of the oldest initiatives undertaken in India to ensure that the condom reaches every household.
Deluxe Nirodh Flavor
Available in regular
Deluxe Nirodh Price
Approximately 160 for pack of 60. This product is available at a subsidized rates.

Kohinoor Condom
Kohinoor is one of widely known brand of condom in India. It came in to market when there was little competition. Kohinoor condom comes with a snug fit and is shaped anatomically. Uses a combination of ribs and dots for extra sensation if you are keen on using dotted condoms. Company claims that this design is for an improved sexual performance of male partner for better sexual pleasure to female partner. It’s bulbous shape give more excitement and friction, more friction means more pleasure. This condom is dermatologically tested and can be considered as a complete protection against pregnancy and STDs.
Kohinoor Condoms Flavor
Available in regular
Kohinoor Condoms Price
Pack of 3 is available at INR. 20

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