Oops Moments of Celebs and How To Avoid Them In Your Life
May 24, 2016 | by ashish963@gmail.com
Celebrities are always under the scanner and no matter how much they try their best shutterbugs quickly capture oops moments only to talk about more and more. From wardrobe malfunctions, to trips and falls, they had it all. These oops moments aren’t limited to celebrities but they can happen to any layman. To avoid such oops moments it’s better to take prior caution instead of bringing embarrassment to ourselves. Let’s shade a light on some of the oops moments of celebs and how you can avoid in your life:
Jennifer Lawrence’s Fall & Rise
We know full-length gown has its own charm but how Jennifer Lawrence tripped and fell down while climbing the steps. Do you know it was that glorious moment for her when she was coming on the stage to receive her Oscar award? Oh lord, how embarrassing it can be! We blame it to her full-length heavy gown and our golden advice to you is that wear light-weighted gown with heels. In this way you not only look prestigious but can enjoy the event without any worries.

Demi Lovato and Her Hair Extensions
They come in all color and size but they are fake. We’re talking about hair extensions that lead Demi Lovato a fashion faux pas in one of her stage performances. During one of her dance moves, her fingers tangled in her hair and in attempt to take them out the extensions also came off. There are two things to learn either do not wear hair extensions at all or keep your dance moves in limit.

Lady Gaga’s Too Tight Situation
Sexy leather pants can turn any girl into super hot babe. However, one thing that you need to make sure that those leather pants aren’t too tight. Lady Gaga got caught in a tight situation where her pant tore only to show her bare bump.

Katy Perry Tongue Tied
Even celebrities need to by heart their own songs otherwise there are situations when they can be tongue tied. Don’t believe us? Katy Perry seriously had a humiliating moment when she was simply lip synching unaware of the fact that her music had a 15 second delay. To add insult to injury, she was told to start singing again by the host. So don’t forget your lessons learnt at the school and always prepare yourself in advance for the stage performance if you have any or social event to avoid embarrassment.

Taylor Swift’s Skinny Show
These days, skin-colored clothes and underwear are in trend but that does not mean you can wear them at any social event. The flowing air can cause you a good amount of embarrassment if you wear nude underwear just like it happened with Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift wore a frilled skirt and nude underwear but what she didn’t realize that her fans were ready with cameras to capture her every moment. Our advice is don’t shy away from wearing proper underwear and ditch that nude intimate piece of cloth.

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