
Weird Things Girls Do With Their Vagina

September 2, 2015 | by

Yes, you heard right. Apart from having the regular routine- sex and birth- women do a lot with their vagina. This is an area that spells empowerment, making the girl a woman, and the origin of the sensuous side of the woman in you. Hence some women may agree that doing up this area with extra love and money can make them feel appreciated, wonderful and very chic and sexy. Starting from the range of vagina care to piercings, bikini tanning and brightening to decorating and dyeing, girls are more than willing to try out all these weird in-things to keep themselves ahead of the crowd.

Body piercings are now a rage among the youth and otherwise too. But one of the most preferred places to get you pierced is the vagina. It takes a lot of maintenance and pain to get there. From what I hear, men like such sights and find it very amusing!

Now speaking of the tattoos, there may be many places on the human body to get yourself tattooed but some girls essentially prefer only choosing their vagina because they may find it either sexually stimulating, or just very much fun!

Bikini waxes were a rage, but today they are a religion. Faithful followers who swear by this practice find it every bit easier to maintain their privates and never miss an appointment. They say that it gets less painful with every seating but hey! Whenever it starts there is going to be a sea of pain, but the results will be extraordinary for the women themselves. For their men, it’s just a very delightful bonus.

Not stopping there, women go further to dyeing their vags and brighten them too, making them so pale that they may just start shining in the dark! You can buy it a hat (visor) to protect it from tanning or dyeing that is available in a variety of colors. Moreover, vaginal mints are available in the market for keeping your vagina cool and fresh. You can prevent your vagina from overheating by buying and wearing underwear that keeps the temperature down there cooler by three degrees, yes, you heard me right!

You can undergo labiaplasty that gives your otherwise floppy and probably loosened vagina some proportion and better elasticity. Vaginal facials are also a hit with the women today to keep the area soft, smooth, plucked, cleansed, and moist- varieties ranging from fruit-facials to precious gem ones. You can also choose to give your vagina a makeover by injecting it with collagen to make it more sensitive by inflating the g-spot. This ensures enhanced sexual pleasure and a younger look and feel. Gels are also available to get the work done.

Also while the topic of remodeling is on, laser vaginal rejuvenation is also an option that gives the vagina a tighter-than-ever grip- so there’s a lot in the closet for women ranging from young girls to middle aged plus women to make their vaginas weirder- I mean, better!


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