Our Best Stories From 2017 – ‘Just For Her’ Year in Review
January 7, 2018 | by ashish963@gmail.com
2017 has been one hell of a year. So many fun and interesting things happened in every aspect of life in this world and we got to learn a lot from it as well. However, a new year is upon us and it brings with it new opportunities and a whole new spectrum of things to look forward to.
But before we dive into the new year, we here at JFH wanted to share with you some of our best articles from the year past. This list has been curated specially for you with articles that our readers loved the most last year.
If haven’t gotten a chance to go over them, then now is as good a time as any.
India’s Top Trusted Condom Brands for Men

In the words of hip-hop artist Lil Wayne, “you better wear a latex cause you don’t want that late text”. Having safe sex is not only the right way to go about in life, but it is also the sensible choice.
It is 2018 and men and women can choose to have sex with each other without having to worry about getting pregnant, and one of the many ways to achieve this is by wearing a condom.
Check out this interesting article to find out which are some of the top and trusted condom brands in India.
Top 5 Early Pregnancy Detection Kits
You finally had the talk with your spouse and you are both ready to have a kid. But how do you find out whether you are pregnant or not, without having to visit the doctor?
Well, thank god for all the advances that science has made, because now we can just hop on over to the nearest pharmacy and buy a home pregnancy kit and find out if you are having that baby or not.
Sounds interesting? Then read the entire article to find out more.
Top 5 Emergency Contraceptive Pills
Just because you want to be intimate with your partner doesn’t mean that you need to get pregnant in the process. However, sometimes when you get lost in the flow of things, you might forget to have safe sex.
But worry not, because that doesn’t mean that you will get pregnant now.
Modern medicine has blessed us women with the “night after pill” which your gynaecologist would call an emergency contraceptive pill, which you should take within 72 hours of having unprotected sex, in order to prevent getting pregnant.
Read the entire article and know more about this pill.
Websites to Buy Lingerie Online
Online shopping has saved all of us lazy people from having to get dressed and go out into the world to buy things. And now, this service has been extended to lingerie as well.
No more dealing with awkward glances from the men at the store when you go to purchase a bra or a pair of underwear.
Read the complete article to find out about the trusted sites, as per JFH, for your online lingerie purchases.
Types of Panties
Well of course there are more than one kind out there. The lingerie industry did not become a multibillion-dollar industry by just providing its customers with one style of panties to wear.
If you are still having your doubts on this, then click on the link to read the full article.
Top 5 Hair Oil Brands in India

Your mother insisting that you put oil in your hair wasn’t useless banter. Oiling your hair on a weekly basis gives your hair and scalp all the essential nutrients that it needs to stay strong and healthy.
But there are so many options available in the market right now for hair oil that it can get a bit confusing sometimes.
So, to clear some of your doubts on the matter, here are some hair oil brands that our writers feel are the best. Click on the link to read more.
Trusted Sanitary Pads in India

If you are a girl, then periods are inevitable. The moment your body’s clock turns 13 and above, your uterus’s job begins, to build that wall of blood and then shed it after 21 days if you don’t get pregnant.
And after going through a few of these, you find yourself in a place where you are capable of making a choice about the kind of sanitary pad you prefer to use.
However, if you are looking for other options, then click on the link to find out what our recommendations are.
Best Facewashes by Himalaya

Himalaya is that brand which has always focused all its products on being all natural and made out of fruits and antiseptic herbs from the environment.
A lot of women swear by their face washes, and so we thought, why not try them out and share with you which ones we felt were the best in the lot.
Click on the link and find out what we thought were the best face washes by Himalaya.
Types of Blouse Design Patterns

Wedding season is here, and for a lot of us women, that means we finally get to wear a sari. But given the occasion, we wouldn’t want to wear the same old styles that people will wear every day.
If you are also riddled with this dilemma, then read this article to find out about some intricate blouse designs that you can opt for.
Patanjali Kesh Kanti Hair Oil Review

This hair oil became so famous after it was launched, mainly because so many people were giving good reviews about its performance. So obviously, we had to test it out as well, and share with you what we thought about it.
Want to know more, then click on the link to read the full review.
How to Choose Panties?
I mean, you could just head on over to the store and pick one pack out of the lot, or you could read this article and know that there is more to the process than meets the eye.
Underwear is such an important part of our wardrobe and yet so many of us don’t really bother before buying them and then end up with a pair that doesn’t fit right.
So instead, why not read this article to know a bit more about the process so that you always end up with the correct fitting underwear.
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