
Health Benefits of Drinking Milk Every Night Before Going to Bed, Girls

this is why you should drink milk every night

Apart from your mother getting on your nerves to have milk every day, there are some better reasons why you should drink milk each day, especially every night. You might think you’re a big girl now and don’t need that daily intake of milk, but you’d be glad to know that the key to your beauty sleep which keeps your skin glowing and healthy and also keeps your bones from creaking!

You might remember your mother nagging you to drink milk everyday when you were a little kid, and you hating every moment of it. Well, come to think of it maybe she was not wrong in doing so after all. When you grow older, you realise that there is more to milk than just drinking it plain with no sugar. There is milk with bournvita, hot chocolate, mocha, the list goes on.

However, keeping aside all these recipes, one should drink milk because of its nutrient value. Here are a few reasons why you should be drinking milk every night.

Helps with Constipation

If you suffer from constipation, then you know that drinking milk in the morning is a good way of inducing your body to excrete. However, instead of having to do this you should drink some warm milk every night before going to bed so that your body does its job naturally every morning on its own, without giving you any discomfort.

Keeps You from Getting Hungry

A lot of us have a habit of eating early, instead of eating before going to bed, and it is because of this we get hungry in the middle of the night and crave for some midnight snack. Instead of binging on something unhealthy then, it is a better option if you opt for a glass of milk. That way, you will no longer be hungry and also won’t be filling yourself up with fatty foods and getting out of shape.

Helps You Sleep Better

It is not a myth but a truth that warm milk before going to bed helps in inducing sleep, and helping you get a good night’s sleep instead of one where you stay awake the entire time and then finally get tired when it is time to wake up. The warmth of the milk helps calm your nerves and relaxes the body and mind, giving you a stress-free sleep.

Fulfills Your Calcium Requirement

We need calcium in order to keep our bones healthy, our teeth strong, and our nails from getting brittle. It is a very important nutrient that our body needs because without it you will get achy joints, week bones that will be prone to breaking, and teeth that will not be able to do its job. Milk is something that will give your body the calcium it needs and since during the day we prefer to drink coffee or tea with little or no milk, it is better to have a full glass of it at night before going to bed so that your body is able to get its calcium content.

It Acts as an Antacid

If you ever get heartburn from your food or suffer from painful indigestion after eating your meals, drink a glass of cold milk. The cold temperature will cool the burning sensation, and milk being an antacid will help your digestive system relax and sooth your upset stomach.

Drink Milk to Stay HealthyDrinking milk at night helps you to fall asleep easily as it has the sleep-inducing amino acid tryptophan. This is why granny tells you to have a glass of warm milk preferably with honey or haldi or plain good, old chocolate.

People suffering from insomnia can benefit from drinking some warm milk in the night before they sleep. If you want to keep your stress at bay, it will be beneficial to have a glass of milk in the night. If you suffer from gas problems and acidity issues, a glass of cold milk will help cool you down. You will wake up in the morning as fresh as ever. Though there is a mention of feeling heavy and overfull when you drink milk in the night and some say it causes indigestion, it is a more proven fact that even children are given a little warm milk before they sleep in the night to ensure that their tummies stay full and they don’t wake up till the morning due to hunger.

At night, your body may be inactive but your digestive juices are still churning in the stomach and breaking down the food. In case you are not well, or have not ingested any food before bed for weight loss reasons or even if you don’t have the appetite for any or maybe it’s been too late to have anything at night, it’s advisable that you have some milk and then sleep off, so that your digestive system has some matter to work on and your inner lining of the intestine is not harmed by the acidity that the digestive juices create.

Casein in milk is a protein that breaks down very slowly and releases energy in spurts lasting over 5-6 hours, a maximum part of your sleep routine. This ensures that your protein breaking cycle doesn’t take a break. Protein also works in building the cells in the body and addresses repair work of the body at night which is another reason why drinking milk before you sleep in the night is a good idea.

Though I would say it is more of a personal choice whether you want to have milk in the morning or night, depending on whether you want to have it as a part of your breakfast or you prefer it as a dessert (hot chocolate at night or just a glass of milk in the afternoon!), you can maximize your intake of Vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, protein, Vitamin B12 and A and niacin, all for healthy skin, teeth and bones.

So, there you have it. These are some of the benefits of drinking milk at night. If you don’t do it already, consider adding it as a part of your night time routine. Also, if you think we missed out any reason then feel free to leave it in the comments below.

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  1. I am not going to lie, I usually get quite annoyed with my mother when I am forced to drink milk every night. This article has helped me see the reasoning behind this and maybe now I won’t be so hard on her. After all when it came to the flavour and consistency, I always liked it more from Pride of Cows company. I was simply upset with the fact that she insisted that I had it every day. Thanks to this article I now know the benefits and I am actually looking forward to it before I go to bed tonight. Thank you!

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