
Effective & Practical Tips that can Keep Baby’s Soft Skin Safe

things that can be done to keep a baby’s soft skin safe
things that can be done to keep a baby’s soft skin safe

Baby skin and its linked irritations can be a constant cause of worry to every parent. You’ll always want your baby to feel so great and soft all the time, but how? With the baby’s skin being so soft, sensitive and supple yet prone to allergies, rashes and irritations, it takes a lot of tender loving care to keep your baby’s skin as fabulous as it is. Just few simple things to take care of, and your baby will thank you forever for such great skin!

Tips to Keep a Baby’s Soft Skin Safe

Preventing Baby Rashes

A newborn baby’s skin is covered by a waxy coating called vernix that preserves its moisture from being lost in the amniotic fluid. After birth, this coating takes a few weeks to flake off and in the process leaves the baby’s skin dry and flaky. So it is essential that the baby’s skin is kept well-moisturized and hydrated. In order to do so, it is recommended that you keep all the baby rashes at bay to prevent redness and dryness that comes with it. Your baby will stay happy for longer too! Diaper rashes can be a nightmare for babies and hence change your newborn every two hours and use a good white zinc oxide ointment or cream to soothe the skin in intervals.

Preventing baby skin rashes

Pre and Post Bath Massages

Some mothers like to give their little ones a nice deep massage before and after bath. It helps to loosen the taut muscles before and helps the oils and lotions to be better absorbed after the bath. The more oil the skin is able to absorb, the plumper, more supple and wrinkle free it becomes. Your baby’s skin will retain more moisture in this way.

Pre and Post baby bath massages

Keep Baby Away From Direct Sunlight

Direct sun rays can cause sunburn and sensitivities in newborns and babies under six months of age. So it is advisable to keep the baby under an umbrella or a parasol, or under the canopy of a stroller when sun exposure cannot be avoided. Use lightweight full sleeved clothes and a hat or cap to cover the head for added protection. Try using mild baby sunscreen if the sun exposure is for longer periods of time.

Keep the baby away from direct sunlight

Use Baby Friendly Ingredients and Accessories

Think baby clothes and you will think of soft, sensitive and least abrasive materials. When you come in contact with babies, the harsh detergents used to wash your clothes may cause irritations and breakouts on the skin of the infant. Hence it is a smarter choice to use skin and baby friendly mild detergents to wash everything that comes in direct contact with baby skin like bed linen, towels and clothing- yours and baby’s. Talcum, fragrance, and lanolin must be avoided as it is a major irritant that goes unnoticed.

Use baby friendly ingredients and accessories


Shop Wisely

Watch out for and avoid products that contain dyes, parabens, phthalates and fragrances. Ensure your child has no food related skin allergies and read food labels properly before purchasing.

Shop wisely for baby

Also, Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy.

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